SIBO – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth SIBO Nutritionist

A Functional Medicine Approach to SIBO

SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is when we see an increase in the number of bacteria in the small bowel. SIBO is not caused by a single type of bacteria but is an overgrowth of the various types of bacteria that should normally be found in the colon.

SIBO can significantly interfere with the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, primarily by damaging the mucosa lining. Additionally, this damage to the small bowel mucosa can lead to leaky gut (intestinal permeability), which is known to have a number of potential negative effects including food allergies or food intolerances/sensitivities, and general inflammation.


Low Stomah Acid/Gall Bladder Dysfunction/ Dysbosis of the large bowel/Structural abnormalities/Fungal overgrwoth (Candida) / Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth / Fodmap sensitivities / Motility Issues / Diet high in fat / Leaky Gut / Genetics / Chronic Stress

SIBO Symptoms.



The SIBO diet is a specialized diet designed to reduce symptoms associated with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). It focuses on eliminating certain foods that are believed to feed bacteria in the small intestine, while adding in other foods that may help reduce symptoms. Some of the key components of the SIBO diet include reducing or eliminating certain carbohydrates and fermentable fibers (FODMAPs), avoiding certain types of proteins, limiting or avoiding dairy and sugar, and increasing intake of certain vitamins and minerals. The diet also recommends eating small, frequent meals to help with digestion. While the SIBO diet can be challenging to follow, it can be a useful tool for managing symptoms and improving overall gut health.

Nutritionist Treatment Approach

When treating SIBO, antibiotics are often used as the first line of treatment if you are going through the conventional route.. However, many studies have shown that despite treatment with antibiotics, regular recurrence develops in almost half of all patients within 6 to 12 months. Within the nutritionist clinic, we prefer using herbal antimicrobials which have shown better outcomes however, treating just the overgrowth should be seen as one part of any treatment for more successful outcomes. Like most approaches within functional medicine, you need to look at the root cause and personalize every treatment. 

One area that needs to be investigated and considered is gut motility as research has shown that patients with SIBO have delays in small bowel transit time (the amount of time it takes something to move through the small bowel). At the Dublin Centre for Functional Medicine, we offer gut tests as well as SIBO breath tests. With additional support on motility and other key areas related to the digestive tract, we are able to achieve very high remission rates for  SIBO. There are many complexities to this disease and going through a detailed history is crucial to understanding what could be causing the dysfunction. Our SIBO experts are on hand to guide and support you through your treatment and personalize each protocol based on your unique set of circumstances,

Our Approach to Healing SIBO

Our Nutrition Approach

Our team of functional medicine practitioners will tailor your personalised nutrition approach designed to reduce subsstrate for the bacteria which will reduce the inflammation and its associated symptoms.

Supplements and Probiotics

We will recommend the necessary supplements including probiotics and prebiotics at the right time in your treatment plan.

Stress Management

Persistent stress triggers inflammation within the body, potentially leading to digestive problems including SIBO. Our recommendations include stress reduction techniques, ranging from limiting screen-time to breathing exercises in additon to lifestyle changes.

Herbal Antimicrobials

While conventional medical practitioners frequently resort to antibiotics for addressing digestive ailments (which often leads to more issues), our approach involves the incorporation of specific antimicrobial herbs for a certain time period to kill off the bacteria in the small intestine.

Why Choose the Dublin Centre for Functional Medicine?


Once you start the process, we will guide our collaborative process with a practitioner, We will gather the required information we through detailed intake forms so we can understand you better and help support and motivate you through the process.

Nutritionist Experience

Our nutritionist practitioners have years of experience dealing with multiple conditions. The functional medicine approach focuses on the route cause and addresses the imbalance.

Personalized Approach

Every one of us is unique and has a set of circumstances. Everything about you including symptoms, lifestyle, diet, genetics and capacity to heal is different and will require a personalized approach.

Frequently Asked Questions about SIBO

The low FODMAP won’t cure SIBO but it will help reduce symptoms related to SIBO. The low fodmap diet should be combined with an approach to eradicate the overgrowth in the small intestine and look at addressing the imbalances in the large intestine.

Research shows that 60 – 70% of IBS is related to SIBO. However, at the Dublin Centre for Functional Medicine, we take a holistic approach to IIBS and look at other causes of IBS including Candida, leaky gut, food intolerances, stress and lifestyle factors.

The what we treat SIBO In the clinic is to see what caused SIBO in the first place and work with the patient which can include herbal antibiotics, specific diet such as the lowfod map or a paleo template and supplments to strengthen digestive function

The best way is to use diet, herbal antimicrobials or antiobiotics, probiotics and lifestyle factors

Foods that cause inflammation should be avoided for IBS. These can include grains, dairy, sugar, and high fodmap foods.

We can assess for SIBO with a SIBO breath test. We also offer other functional medicine testing to identify and check for various other potential complications, including microbiome and gut health testing. 

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